NASBA Registry ID: 119329
Lambers, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.

Enrolled Agent CE Courses
CPE365. is an approved program sponsor of IRS continuing education credits for those individuals enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service as Enrolled Agents. EAs must take courses pertaining to federal taxation and Ethics for Enrolled Agents to quality for IRS CE credit.
Provider ID: EBIOB
IRS CE credits are reported to the IRS for the practitioner by CPE365 weekly.

Texas Sponsor ID: 010626
Sponsor Name: CPE365 – Lambers
Sponsor approval for CPE courses and ethics.
Approved Texas Ethics course: A Continuing Professional Education Ethics Course for Texas CPAs – Self Study Course by Allison McLeod, Texas CPA

California Sponsor for California Regulatory Review
Sponsor Name: CPE365
Sponsor approval for California Regulatory Review:
Accountancy Act, Rules and Regulations. Approval number will be listed on your certificate of completion.

Ohio Sponsor ID: CPE.00520
Sponsor Name: CPE365
Sponsor approval for CPE courses and ethics.
Approval for the following ethics courses: Ohio general ethics and Ohio PSR ethics

Pennsylvania Sponsor ID: PX
Sponsor Name: CPE365
Sponsor approval for CPE courses and ethics.

New York Sponsor ID: 002994
Sponsor Name: CPE365
Sponsor approval for CPE courses and ethics.

Virginia Ethics Course Approved
Sponsor Name: CPE365
Sponsor approval for CPE courses and ethics.
Approval for the following ethics courses: Ethics for Virginia CPAs

Annual Filing Season Program CE Courses
CPE365. is an approved program sponsor of IRS continuing education credits for those individuals participating in the Annual Filing Season Program to receive a certificate of completion for 2022.
Provider ID: EBIOB
IRS CE credits are reported to the IRS for the AFSP participant by CPE365 weekly.