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What is the first step of the business needs assessment?
What engagement level would be assigned to a stakeholder that is aware of the project and neither supportive or resistant to the changes that will occur as a result of the project?
Which of the following is a technique that can be used to collect industry data that can be compared against company data?
What document is created to describe the current problem that needs to be solved or business opportunity to be explored, in order to ensure that all parties have a complete understanding of the problem or opportunity?
Which of the following are the fundamental reasons why a project is undertaken.
What is a technique that can be used by the business analyst to assess organizational strengths and weaknesses?
Which of the following is a cause and effect technique that is used to document a current process to identify the high level causes of why a problem is occurring?
Which of the following is a cause and effect technique that is used to help visualize complex problems with many variables?
Which of the following is a cause and effect technique that is used identify duplication of effort, missing steps for a process and unnecessary steps in a process?
Which of the following is the quickest and easiest approach to conducting a competitive analysis by reviewing publicly available information such as website review, magazine/newspaper articles and corporate reports?
Which of the following analyzes how the proposed solution can be achieved?
Which of the following cost benefit techniques analyzes the time that is required to recover the project cost?
Which of the following is the last step for addressing a business problem or opportunity is to create the business case?
What is a key value that the Business Case brings to the project?
What is the final step in the creation of the Business Case?